Series |
Review | Human Mobility and Circularity of the Idea
Chapter | As águas da capitania de Minas Gerais no relato dos estrangeiros: século XVIII e XIX
Discusses how the first foreign accounts in Brazil, specifically in the mining region of Minas Gerais, exploiting the mineral wealth always relating to water, to health and disease. In Minas Gerais, the state with many mineral springs since the eighteenth century there are records of miraculous healings as a result of consumption and bath. The reports of these studies were written by Europeans in Brazil, in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, including the Danish doctor Theodore Langgaard, who worried about the indiscriminate use, describes the properties and prescribes mineral waters for different situations and diseases. In the nineteenth century there were cities that have developed as therapeutic centers based on the exploitation of mineral waters awakening the government's economic interest and a German chemist.
Submitted: Nov. 8, 2016 | Language: it
Keywords Mineral waters • Brazil • Health
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