Rivista | TranScript
Fascicolo | 2 | 1 | 2023
Articolo | Questione di stile: Francesco Pipino e le due traduzioni del Miracolo della Montagna

Questione di stile: Francesco Pipino e le due traduzioni del Miracolo della Montagna


Abstract The article intends to address one of the thorniest issues raised by the Latin version of the DM composed by Francesco Pipino, that of the double version of the Moving Mountain miracle. In a cluster of manuscripts, in fact, the episode briefly described in P I, 18 appears in a longer form, closer to the vernacular model. The case raises many philological questions: is it an interpolation or a competing variant? Which is the original and the spurious text? Despite the appearances, an accurate manuscript <i>recensio</i> and a careful stylistic analysis can prove that the shorter version is the Pipino’s genuine text, whereas the longer is a later interpolation. 

Open access | Peer reviewed

Presentato: 16 Aprile 2023 | Accettato: 04 Maggio 2023 | Pubblicato 27 Luglio 2023 | Lingua: it

Keywords ChroniconManuscriptsKeywords Medieval Latin PhilologyText and TransmissionFrancesco PipinoDevisement du MondeTranslationTravel literatureMarco PoloMoving Mountain miracleDomenican Literature

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