JoLMA The Journal for the Philosophy of Language, Mind and the Arts

Rivista | JoLMA
Fascicolo | 4 | 2 | 2023

De-Humanizing Cognition, Intelligence, and Agency. A Critical Assessment Between Philosophy, Ethics, and Science

open access | peer reviewed
    a cura di
  • Filippo Batisti - Universidade Católica Portuguesa – CEFH Braga, Portugal - email

The philosophical reflection stemming from actual scientific practice has been proven to have the potential to inform ethical thinking and political practice with a more robust foundation than those not necessarily linked to scientific developments. This is not, of course, to argue for an alleged preeminence of science over speculative philosophical reflection, nor that scientific practices should remain untouched by science-informed philosophy. On the contrary, history and anthropology of science function as antidotes to similar unfounded views. Recent scientific and technological discoveries require a stronger role for philosophy in public and institutional discussions. Their practical consequences for humans and non-humans cannot be ignored.

Keywords Basal cognitionSocial strugglesUnconventional Cognitive SystemEnvironmental ethicsMicrobiomeMultispecies justiceClimate justiceUnificationExtending cognitionCognitionPluralismOntological TurnBiopsychismCyberneticsEvolution of cognitionGenerativityPlant cognitionMemoryEnactivismMetaphilosophyAnthropomorphismGut-brain axisNew materialismZoopsychismBiogenic approachRelational ValueConceptsAnimal ethicsPosthumanHolismPlant CognitionCognitive ontologyPosthumanismSelfComputationMindAnimal cognitionPhilosophy of Mind

Permalink | Pubblicato 20 Dicembre 2023 | Lingua en


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