Home > Catalogo > Ricerche giuridiche > 9 | 2 | 2020 > Brevi note in tema di marketplace lending alla luce del nuovo regolamento europeo in materia di crowdfunding

Brevi note in tema di marketplace lending alla luce del nuovo regolamento europeo in materia di crowdfunding

Lucrezia Cipriani    Università Ca' Foscari Venezia    



Crowdfunding platforms have been particularly relevant in the ambit of innovations introduced with the development of Fintech, including those that base their activity on lending (the so called “lending-based crowdfunding” platforms).  The active platforms - whose number in Italy is still relatively small - carry out a market activity that facilitates the matching of interests between those who are in surplus (and wish to use money towards a return), and those who are in deficit (and wish to obtain funding). This article aims to provide a look at lending crowdfunding, with a twofold purpose: (i) understanding how the relevant platforms can be legally qualified, also with regard to their compatibility with the activities reserved by law to financial intermediaries; ii) analyzing the possible scenarios related to the “European Crowdfunding Service Providers” EU Regulation (ECSP), considering that only in recent years the Commission has decided to go beyond a mere monitoring of the sector.

21 Dicembre 2020
02 Marzo 2022
17 Novembre 2021

Keywords: KIISCross-border activityComplianceRisk managementCrowd-investorCredit risk assessmentDisclosureEU regulationLegal certaintyLending-based crowdfundingPlatformsFintechCrowd-borrower

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