Rivista | Rassegna iberistica
Fascicolo | 40 | 107 | 2017
Articolo | Poesía y poetas bajo el franquismo

Poesía y poetas bajo el franquismo


This note tries to present the purposes of a recent collective publication, Poesía y poetas bajo el franquismo. First, the authors bring to light the situation of poets and poetry during the long decades of Francoist dictatorship, through several examples. The second examines the relationship that may exist between literature and sociology, or, more precisely, between literature studies and humanities, in technical or theoretical terms.

Open access

Presentato: 19 Dicembre 2016 | Pubblicato 29 Giugno 2017 | Lingua: es

Keywords PoetsFranquismPoetryEssaySocial studiesPierre BourdieuSpainComparatism

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