Rivista | Quaderni Veneti
Fascicolo | 11 | 2022
Articolo | Inventorying the Manuscripts of Venice’s Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana (Before and) After Zanetti

Inventorying the Manuscripts of Venice’s Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana (Before and) After Zanetti

Notes on the Zanetti Draft, the Zanetti Appendices, and the ‘New’ and ‘Present’ Appendices to Zanetti


The present study traces the documented history of cataloguing the manuscript fonds of Venice’s Biblioteca Marciana, and in particular the Latin and Romance manuscript fonds, drawing from official sources (such as Anton Maria Zanetti’s published catalogues [1740-41] and the Appendice a Zanetti), from published and unpublished pre-Zanetti sources, and from published and, most importantly, unpublished post-Zanetti sources. A particular inventory of early Marciana manuscripts not described in the Zanetti catalogues is brought to light and compared with entries in the later Appendice a Zanetti. Additional findings on cataloguing the French corpus are revealed.

Open access | Peer reviewed

Presentato: 28 Maggio 2023 | Accettato: 10 Settembre 2023 | Pubblicato 13 Dicembre 2023 | Lingua: en

Keywords Anton Maria ZanettiVeniceManuscript cataloguesBiblioteca MarcianaLatin, Italian, and French manuscripts

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