MDCCC 1800

Rivista | MDCCC 1800
Fascicolo monografico | 8 | 2019
Articolo | Fortuna museale di Tintoretto nell’Ottocento

Fortuna museale di Tintoretto nell’Ottocento

Il caso del Ritrovamento del corpo di S. Marco


The present article reconstructs the nineteenth-century exhibition history of Ritrovamento del corpo di S. Marco by Tintoretto, through the analysis of the museum policy interventions on the painting: from the arrival to Brera in 1811, to the elaboration that led to its transfer to the Church of Saint Mark in 1847, up to the reasons for its recovery, which took place only in 1886. The Reconstruction will take into account the developments of the artist’s critical fortune in Italy, but will also be read in relation to the evolution of the public function assigned to Brera collection, which became independent from the Academy of Fine Arts in 1882.

Open access | Peer reviewed

Presentato: 07 Maggio 2019 | Accettato: 07 Giugno 2019 | Pubblicato 31 Luglio 2019 | Lingua: it

Keywords Pinacoteca di BreraBrera’s AcademyDiscovery of the body of Saint MarkTintorettoExhibition history

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