Rivista |
Il Tolomeo
Fascicolo monografico | 23 | 2021
Articolo | Caryl Phillips’s Rewriting of the Canonical Romance as a Genre
The paper considers Phillips’s rewriting of the canonical nineteenth-century romances in three of his novels – A State of Independence (1986), The Lost Child (2015), and A View of the Empire at Sunset (2018). The three texts resettle the romance genre through the postcolonial concept of ‘home’. In A State of Independence, Phillips rearranges the role of one of Jane Austen’s most orthodox characters, the landowner Sir Thomas Bertram of Mansfield Park (1814), by transposing the Austenian character’s features to his protagonist Bertram Francis, a Caribbean man who comes back to his ancestral homeland after twenty years in Britain. In The Lost Child, chronicling literary-historical events in the present tense by transferring the life of the Brontë family into the protagonists of Wuthering Heights (1847) is for the author one way of calling into question the real sense of literature. It is for this reason that Phillips constructs a cyclic narration around the figure of Branwell Brontë, fictionalised by his sister Emily in the romance protagonist Heathcliff, and mirrored in The Lost Child in the character of Tommy Wilson. In A View of the Empire at Sunset, Phillips definitely overturns the colonial and genre categories by reassessing the in-between life of the Dominican-born writer Jean Rhys through her personal return journey to Dominica: as a result, the author of Wide Sargasso Sea (1966) (an intense rewriting of Jane Eyre) becomes a fictional character, and the literary events of her life sum up the vicissitudes both of the two ‘Bertrams’ – of Mansfield Park and A State of Independence – and the protagonists of Wuthering Heights and The Lost Child.
Presentato: 15 Luglio 2021 | Accettato: 17 Settembre 2021 | Pubblicato 20 Dicembre 2021 | Lingua: en
Keywords Brontë sisters • Caryl Phillips • Postcolonial rewriting • Postcolonial literature • Romance genre • Jean Rhys
Copyright © 2021 Alessia Polatti. This is an open-access work distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). The use, distribution or reproduction is permitted, provided that the original author(s) and the copyright owner(s) are credited and that the original publication is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. The license allows for commercial use. No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms.
Permalink http://doi.org/10.30687/Tol/2499-5975/2021/23/021
Testi Creativi | Creative Works | Créations
Dossier. Postcolonial Genre Fiction | Les genres populaires dans les littératures postcoloniales | Letteratura di genere postcoloniale
Interviste | Interviews | Interviews
Recensioni | Reviews | Comptes rendus
Necrologi | Obituaries | Nécrologies
DC Field | Value |
dc.identifier |
ECF_article_6917 |
dc.title |
Caryl Phillips’s Rewriting of the Canonical Romance as a Genre |
dc.contributor.author |
Polatti Alessia |
dc.publisher |
Edizioni Ca’ Foscari - Digital Publishing, Fondazione Università Ca’ Foscari |
dc.type |
Articolo |
dc.language.iso |
en |
dc.identifier.uri |
http://edizionicafoscari.it/it/edizioni4/riviste/il-tolomeo/2021/1/caryl-phillipss-rewriting-of-the-canonical-romance/ |
dc.description.abstract |
The paper considers Phillips’s rewriting of the canonical nineteenth-century romances in three of his novels – A State of Independence (1986), The Lost Child (2015), and A View of the Empire at Sunset (2018). The three texts resettle the romance genre through the postcolonial concept of ‘home’. In A State of Independence, Phillips rearranges the role of one of Jane Austen’s most orthodox characters, the landowner Sir Thomas Bertram of Mansfield Park (1814), by transposing the Austenian character’s features to his protagonist Bertram Francis, a Caribbean man who comes back to his ancestral homeland after twenty years in Britain. In The Lost Child, chronicling literary-historical events in the present tense by transferring the life of the Brontë family into the protagonists of Wuthering Heights (1847) is for the author one way of calling into question the real sense of literature. It is for this reason that Phillips constructs a cyclic narration around the figure of Branwell Brontë, fictionalised by his sister Emily in the romance protagonist Heathcliff, and mirrored in The Lost Child in the character of Tommy Wilson. In A View of the Empire at Sunset, Phillips definitely overturns the colonial and genre categories by reassessing the in-between life of the Dominican-born writer Jean Rhys through her personal return journey to Dominica: as a result, the author of Wide Sargasso Sea (1966) (an intense rewriting of Jane Eyre) becomes a fictional character, and the literary events of her life sum up the vicissitudes both of the two ‘Bertrams’ – of Mansfield Park and A State of Independence – and the protagonists of Wuthering Heights and The Lost Child. |
dc.relation.ispartof |
Il Tolomeo |
dc.relation.ispartof |
Vol. 23 | Dicembre 2021 |
dc.issued |
2021-12-20 |
dc.dateAccepted |
2021-09-17 |
dc.dateSubmitted |
2021-07-15 |
dc.identifier.issn |
dc.identifier.eissn |
2499-5975 |
dc.rights |
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License |
dc.rights.uri |
http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ |
dc.identifier.doi |
10.30687/Tol/2499-5975/2021/23/021 |
dc.peer-review |
yes |
dc.subject |
Brontë sisters |
dc.subject |
Brontë sisters |
dc.subject |
Caryl Phillips |
dc.subject |
Caryl Phillips |
dc.subject |
Jean Rhys |
dc.subject |
Jean Rhys |
dc.subject |
Postcolonial literature |
dc.subject |
Postcolonial literature |
dc.subject |
Postcolonial rewriting |
dc.subject |
Postcolonial rewriting |
dc.subject |
Romance genre |
dc.subject |
Romance genre |
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