Le rose, la chimera e il viaggio: il dannunzianesimo rivissuto di Dino Campana
The essay aims to reconstruct, through the readings of the young Campana and the intertextuality between his and d’Annunzio’s work, the unbroken relationship between the two authors. We focus in particular on some thematic units, the roses, the chimera and the journey, with the awareness that ‘despised’ d’Annunzio has a large part in the construction of the Campana’s poetry collection, that even exhibits a first title of direct descent from d’Annunzio. Moreover, the d’Annunzio’s brand rules as well as in the Campana’s work also in his life, in that program of an inimitable live inverted, which takes its superomism, lived from below, to the second twentieth century beat generation.
Keywords: Chimera • Decadent roses and gardins • Gabriele d’Annunzio • Dino Campana • Orphic Songs