Collana | Diaspore
Miscellanea | Literatur der (Post-)Migration
Capitolo | Grenzüberschreitungen in Stavaričs Prosaminiaturen Nkaah und seine Experimente (nicht nur) am lebenden Objekt
The article examines the earlier and so far only little-noticed text Nkaah. Experimente am lebenden Objekt (2008) by the Austrian author of Czech origin Michael Stavarič and shows that this text already contains all the essential topics, questions, and narratives that are distinctive of the author’s entire work. These ‘prose miniatures’ deal with the crossing of the border between childhood and adulthood, which is linked to a formal-aesthetic crossing of borders – between genres, languages, the inner and outer world, reality and fantasy etc. The central question of this article is how the search and the unfolding of one’s own self is shaped in literature and staged in terms of aesthetics and language.
Presentato: 06 Marzo 2023 | Accettato: 24 Aprile 2023 | Pubblicato 16 Giugno 2023 | Lingua: de
Keywords Austrian literature • Intercultural literature • German literature • Michael Stavarič • Migration • Multilingualism
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