Collana |
Miscellanea | Literatur der (Post-)Migration
Capitolo | Eine Welt ohne Eigenes
This paper analyzes some of the formal strategies through which Terézia Mora, in her masterpiece Alle Tage (2004), builds a narrative structure as fremd as the identity of its protagonist, the refugee Abel Nema. Recounting the ten years Abel has spent in the metropolis B. after the loss of his country, memories, accent, and orientation, Mora systematically frustrates the reader’s expectations of sense-making by deconstructing the dimension of the Eigenes at the formal level. In so doing, she rejects the distinction upon which the intercultural perspective on literature is based: that between the Eigenes and the Fremdes.
Presentato: 06 Marzo 2023 | Accettato: 04 Aprile 2023 | Pubblicato 16 Giugno 2023 | Lingua: de
Keywords Narrative discourse • Intercultural literature • Trauma and literature • Identity and alterity • Alle Tage
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