Collana | Lingue dei segni e sordità
Miscellanea | Segni, gesti e parole
Capitolo | Segni, gesti e parole: uno sguardo d’insieme

Segni, gesti e parole: uno sguardo d’insieme


For many years, linguistic analysis focused on static linguistic forms with clearly delineated boundaries, such as sentences in isolation and in written form. In more recent times, the spread of branches of linguistics such as discourse analysis, sociolinguistics, corpus analysis and pragmatics has prompted many scholars to investigate linguistic forms of a different kind such as, for example, spontaneous language use in real contexts, interaction between speakers and discourses of varying length and nature.

Open access

Presentato: 18 Maggio 2023 | Pubblicato 07 Dicembre 2023 | Lingua: it

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