6 • La codatorialità: quadro regolamentare e prospettive applicative
Co-employment is the labour law institution that allows companies in a business network contract to jointly hire one or more employees to support the achievement of strategic competitiveness and innovation objectives. Co-employment has been operational since February 2022 thanks to a framework of fixed and transparent rules. This tool will be able to facilitate the entry of managers, the development of new skills and joint training courses in the networks, strengthening the organisational and managerial structures of the collaborating SMEs, with a positive impact on their economic and employment performance and with benefits for workers in terms of professional enrichment, retention and generational handover. If supported by targeted public policies, co-employment is set to revolutionise work organisation and human resources management in business networks, contributing to the evolution of inter-company collaborations towards more efficient, innovative and sustainable models, even in times of recession.
Keywords: Labour organisation • Network manager • Human resources • Managerial skills • Joint training