Collana | Diaspore
Miscellanea | Dal Mediterraneo all’America Latina | Del Mediterráneo a América Latina
Capitolo | Remedios Varo: exiliada de España, aquerenciada en México
Remedios Varo was a visual artist related to the second wave of Surrealism, Postwar and Exile. She had a nomadic childhood, yet she attended the prestigious Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando, in Madrid, took part in the Logicofobista group in Barcelona and in Surrealism in Paris in the 1930s. In spite of this, she achieved her artistic maturity with an undoubtedly unique work in Mexico, where she arrived after fleeing Nazism along with poet Benjamin Péret in 1941. The experience of transterre transformed her personally and professionally. To prove this, her insertion in Mexico will be analysed, placing emphasis on affection as a process of self-consciousness and gradual metamorphosis towards feminist liberation.
Presentato: 16 Dicembre 2021 | Pubblicato 25 Marzo 2022 | Lingua: es
Keywords Postwar • Spanish exile • Latin American art • Surrealism • Feminism
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