Eurasiatica Quaderni di studi su Balcani, Anatolia, Iran, Caucaso e Asia Centrale

Collana | Eurasiatica
Miscellanea | Dal Paleolitico al Genocidio Armeno
Capitolo | La versatilità dei manoscritti veneziani per una lettura del Caucaso del XVIII secolo

La versatilità dei manoscritti veneziani per una lettura del Caucaso del XVIII secolo

Evoluzione commerciale e viaggi statici


Some eighteenth century Venetian travel texts, often little studied, are a source rich of data and contradictions on the Caucasus. These texts are often produced by not or not directly performed travel experiences; they represent a stage of transition between the travel experience of the Renaissance and the nineteenth century travel literature. So, these texts have distinctive features. Beside these we have the reports of the Venetian consuls. These documents connect themselves to the trading practices of the Middle Ages and of the Renaissance, showing the mercantile dynamics and knowledge still ongoing.

Open access | Peer reviewed

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