Home > Catalogo > Società e trasformazioni sociali > La nuova emigrazione italiana > Young Italians in London and in the UK

Young Italians in London and in the UK

Sonia McKay    London Metropolitan University, UK    



This paper begins by providing a brief overview of the history of migration from Italy to the UK. It notes that movements between the two countries can be traced back more than 2000 years but that it was only in the last century that Italians began to settle in the UK in larger numbers, transforming what had been a migration of individuals into what could almost be described as a mass migration, at least at certain points of history. The chapter provides in- formation on the recent movements of Italians to the UK, particularly in the period following the onslaught of the economic crisis since 2007. It also looks at the pay and the working conditions that young Italians are likely to experience in the London labour market and ,furthermore, at other factors related to their migration, in particular where they live and the extent to which they are more likely today, than in the past, to live in areas of high economic deprivation.

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