Maestri, testi e fonti d’Oriente

     topic: culture del medio ed estremo oriente e dell’africa mediterranea  

The book series, sponsored by the Department of Asian and North African Studies, aims to enhance theoretical and practical research across the main area studies of the Department. The series focuses on texts and sources which are often neglected and don’t find adequate recognition even in scholarly publications, running the risk of being lost once and for all. These are primarily oral/audio, visual, and documentary materials. The series is thought of as a repository of original, primary sources which for their rarity and originality deserve to be adequately preserved and made available to the scholarly community. “Masters, Texts, and Sources” must therefore be understood in the broadest sense, i.e. as an interdisciplinary, cross-cultural enterprise, intersecting the fields of linguistics, philology, literature, history, sociology, anthropology, and the arts.

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