LiVVaL Linguaggio e Variazione | Variation in Language

Collana | LiVVaL
Volume 3 | Miscellanea | Partitive Constructions and Partitive Elements Within and Across Language Borders in Europe

Partitive Constructions and Partitive Elements Within and Across Language Borders in Europe

open access | peer reviewed
    a cura di
  • Elvira Glaser - University of Zurich - email
  • Petra Sleeman - University of Amsterdam - email
  • Thomas Strobel - Goethe Universität Frankfurt - email
  • Anne Tamm - email


The volume collects contributions that were presented at the PARTE workshop in Budapest in September 2022 or at the Partitive Online Talks, with the goal of investigating the universal and varying properties of partitive constructions and partitive elements. Since the expression of partitivity in Romance languages has been studied extensively, in this volume special attention is paid to other European languages, such as Germanic, Gaelic, Finno-Ugric and Slavic languages. With data from microvariation and variation that spans over vast geographical distances and involves various contact situations, this volume brings new insights into what is universal and what is particular in partitive constructions and elements in Europe.

Keywords Body partsGenitiveQuantifiersProper partitive constructionSubsetLocus of possessive suffixesIndefinite articlePartitionERNetherlandic DutchPostpositionsPossessive agreementBavarianIncremental themeDOMPseudo-partitiveCuidSupersetIndividuationPartitivityPartitive articlePseudo-partitive constructionPossessive partitive markingPartitive pronounAlemannicSubkindsProper partitivesIrishMass nounGermanUralicPartitive caseAspectual compositionAdjectival inflectionInvenitive strategiesAbstract nounsPartitivesLocationalBelgian DutchKindsPartitiveGrammatical aspectCorpus linguisticsPartitive determinerSlavicPersonal numeralsExistentialStandard languageGermanicVerb classes

Permalink | e-ISBN 978-88-6969-795-1 | ISBN (PRINT) 978-88-6969-818-7 | Pubblicato 16 Maggio 2024 | Lingua en


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