Venezia Arti Journal of the Department of Philosophy and Cultural Heritage of Ca’ Foscari University of Venice

Journal | Venezia Arti
Monographic journal issue | 26 | 2017
Research Article | Edvard Munch’s Toponymic Codes

Edvard Munch’s Toponymic Codes


The Norwegian artist Edvard Munch (1863-1944) created upwards of 1789 paintings of which only 14 are inscribed with toponyms. The extreme rarity of place names in his work invites consideration. In some cases, these place names signify the direct witnessing of a location or a person. More interestingly, the toponyms operate as literary devices that focus attention on the artist’s sickness and health, on physical collapse and rebirth. Interpreting toponyms as forms of ‘time travel’ and ‘space travel’, the article considers Munch’s signatures and toponyms as elements in the formation of his public biography.

Open access

Submitted: July 24, 2017 | Published Dec. 20, 2017 | Language: en

Keywords ClinicSelf-stagingEdvard MunchSanatoriumToponym

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