Lexis Poetica, retorica e comunicazione nella tradizione classica

Journal | Lexis
Journal issue | Num. 40 (n.s.) – Giugno 2022 – Fasc. 1
Research Article | On Ἀττικός (e Ἀττική) in Ancient Attestations

On Ἀττικός (e Ἀττική) in Ancient Attestations


The early literary occurrences of Ἀττικός/Ἀττική (from Sol. fr. 2.6 and 30.11 G.-P.2, Alc. fr. 401B V./L., Aesch. Eum. 681) show that this ethnicon, compared with Ἀθηναῖος, is the official name of any Athenian citizen in international context.

Open access | Peer reviewed

Submitted: Aug. 27, 2021 | Accepted: Feb. 3, 2022 | Published June 30, 2022 | Language: it

Keywords AeschylusAlcaeusEthnic Ἀττικός vsἈθηναῖοςHeraclides criticusPersona loquensSolonAristophanes

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