Lexis Poetica, retorica e comunicazione nella tradizione classica

Journal | Lexis
Journal issue | Num. 38 (n.s.) – Dicembre 2020 – Fasc. 2
Research Article | Correct and Translate Poetry: The Case of Parisinus Suppl. Gr. 388

Correct and Translate Poetry: The Case of Parisinus Suppl. Gr. 388


The present work focuses on the peculiarity of the codex Parisinus Suppl. Gr. 388. This manuscript is marked by a 12th-century Latin translation, running above some Greek verses of Theognis’ Elegies and entirely above the poems by Pseudo-Phocylides’ Sentences and by Dionysius Periegetes’ Description of the Known World. Moreover, the translator reviewed the Greek poems too. Hence, in this study I will focus on the correction and translation of Theognis’ Elegies and Pseudo-Phocylides’ Sentences. Firstly, I will carry out a palaeographic analysis of the scholar’s writing. Secondly, I will scrutinize the Latin translation. Finally, I will analyse the corrections on Greek texts.

Open access | Peer reviewed

Submitted: Aug. 7, 2020 | Accepted: Oct. 15, 2020 | Published Dec. 21, 2020 | Language: it

Keywords Interlinear Latin translation388GlossariesParisinus SupplPseudo-PhocylidesTheognisGrCorrection

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