EL.LE Educazione Linguistica. Language Education

Journal | EL.LE
Journal issue | 12 | 3 | 2023
Research Article | O ensino eficaz do Português como Língua Estrangeira na educação infantil: estratégias comunicativas, mediadores pedagógicos e realia

O ensino eficaz do Português como Língua Estrangeira na educação infantil: estratégias comunicativas, mediadores pedagógicos e realia


This work discusses didactic strategies - based on the Communicative and Competency – based Approach – and the use of authentic materials to promote the Meaningful Learning of Portuguese as Foreign Language in early childhood to stimulate the development of the Intelligence Quotient and the Executive Functions. Considering the contributions of Sociocultural Constructivism and Conversational Pragmatics, we propose playful collaborative activities based on the use of webtools and realia to expose students to authenticity of the language and encourage the zone of proximal development, fundamental in the process of learning a foreign language.

Open access | Peer reviewed

Submitted: June 17, 2022 | Accepted: Oct. 22, 2023 | Published Dec. 13, 2023 | Language: pt

Keywords Meaningful LearningPortuguese as Foreign LanguageChild EducationRealiaApplied Linguistics

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