EL.LE Educazione Linguistica. Language Education

Journal | EL.LE
Journal issue | 12 | 1 | 2023
Research Article | Un nuovo modello per l’insegnamento della traduzione russo-italiano nei corsi universitari magistrali attraverso Moodle

Un nuovo modello per l’insegnamento della traduzione russo-italiano nei corsi universitari magistrali attraverso Moodle


The author describes a new didactic model developed on the Moodle platform for teaching Russian‑Italian translation in the university context. The model, aimed at developing the translation competence of learners, is based on the cooperative learning method and general foreign language teaching principles. Using a longitudinal study involving the collection of qualitative and quantitative data, the model was tested in a 42‑hour asynchronous MA course unit. The findings indicate that the proposed didactic model, which brings together translation theory and practice, can successfully promote the development of translation competence in students.

Open access | Peer reviewed

Submitted: July 14, 2022 | Accepted: Feb. 14, 2023 | Published May 22, 2023 | Language: it

Keywords Didactic ModelTeaching TranslationMoodleTeaching Russian-Italian Translation at the UniverTranslation Competence

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