Journal |
Journal issue | 4 | 2 | 2020
Research Article | Decree from Falanna Concerning the Grant of Citizenship
The decree records the bestowal of citizenship of the Thessalian city of Phalanna to a large group of individuals, among whom Perrhaibians, Magnesians, Ainians, and Achaians. The citizenship undergoes some conditions: the people enjoying the bestowal must be inscribed on the citizens’ registers and pass the dokimasia. Beside this groups of individuals, the text also mentions another group of people, the offspring of Phalannaian women with non-Phalannaian men. A list of the names of the newly made citizens follows: there are some fifty names including some siblings.
Submitted: March 1, 2020 | Accepted: April 6, 2020 | Published Dec. 22, 2020 | Language: it
Keywords Decreto • Cittadinanza • Filippo V • Tessaglia • Falanna
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