Journal | Axon
Journal issue | 2 | 2 | 2018
Research Article | Pergamon Decree for Athenaios the Clergyman
The decree of Pergamon, dated between the 8th October 135 BC and the spring of the 133 BC, contains three royal letters: the first letter (A) is addressed by the king Attalos II to Athenaios (I), his cousin; the second (B) is addressed by the king Attalos III to the city of Kyzikos; the third (C) is addressed by the king Attalos III to the city of Pergamon. The three letters deal with religious affairs: the letter (A) refers to the election of Athenaios (II), nephew of Athenaios (I), to the position of priest of Dionysos Kathegemon after the death of his father, Sosandros, which held this role, and is addressed to the grandfather of Athenaios (II), i.e. Athenaios (I). The second (B) relates to the privileges which the city of Kyzikos has to grant to Athenaios (II), citizen of Kyzikos, priest of Dionysos Kathegemon and of Zeus Sabazios, according to the will of Attalus III. The third letter (C), which the city has to enter into the sacred laws, ἱεροὶ νόμοι, states the reform of the cult of Zeus Sabazios, achieved by Attalus III: Zeus Sabazios becomes σύνναος θεός of Athena Nikephoros and the Athenaios (II) is confirmed as hereditary priest of Zeus Sabazios in the reformed cult.
Submitted: Dec. 20, 2018 | Accepted: Sept. 20, 2018 | Published Dec. 20, 2018 | Language: it
Keywords Cizico • Pergamo • Attalo II • Attalidi • Dioniso Kathegemon • Attalo III • Zeus Sabasios
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