Archivio d’Annunzio Rivista di Studi comparati

Journal | Archivio d’Annunzio
Journal issue | 4 | 2017
Research Article | D’Annunzio e il teatro fuori dal teatro

D’Annunzio e il teatro fuori dal teatro

La messinscena della Figlia di Iorio al Vittoriale (1927) e della Nave a Venezia (1938)


At the origin of the two stage shows there is the idea of commemoration: September 11, the anniversary of the march on Ronchi, for La Figlia di Iorio to Vittoriale in 1927 and the homage to the Vate who has disappeared for a few months to represent La Nave in Venice in 1938; two different ways of celebrating and ritualising the event/theatre out of the theatre. And while in the first case, in a celebratory context he himself cared for, d’Annunzio became an enthusiastic promoter of a significant updating of the theatrical practice, in 1938 the regime finalised the event to an exaggeration of the duce’s politics in the lagoon marking a substantial distance from the ideological motives that had prompted the author to carry out his work.

Open access | Peer reviewed

Submitted: Dec. 12, 2016 | Accepted: May 3, 2017 | Published Oct. 5, 2017 | Language: it

Keywords DramatistFiglia di IorioD’AnnunzioLa NaveTheatre

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