VenPalabras Estudios de Lingüística Hispánica

Series | VenPalabras
Edited book | De aquí a Lima. Estudios fraseológicos del español de España e Hispanoamérica
Chapter | Polisemia diatópica del verbo sintagmático español

Polisemia diatópica del verbo sintagmático español


English phrasal verbs are phraseological units derived from the amalgam between a verb and an adverbial or prepositional particle, which, synchronically, are not a discursive combination but the global result of a single lexical selection. This construction is also found in other languages, although with a different name (e.g. the Italian verbi sintagmatici or the German trennbare Verben) and it may also have more than one meaning. This contrastive study focuses on the polysemy of the Spanish phrasal verb, taking into account its diatopic variation and with the help of automatic extraction tools in electronic corpus.

Open access | Peer reviewed

Submitted: March 2, 2020 | Accepted: May 13, 2020 | Published Oct. 15, 2020 | Language: es

Keywords Phrasal verbsPolysemyDiatopic variationPhraseologySyntagmatic verbs

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