Series |
Antiquity Studies
Edited book | Altera pars laboris
Chapter | Tradizione giurisprudenziale manoscritta dei Digesta e tabulae ceratae da Londinium: TLond. 55 e 57
The comparison between the texts of the Roman jurists (which we know in a fragmentary way thanks to Justinian’s Digesta) and the records of specific cases helps us to better understand some aspects of the formation of Roman law. In these pages, I discuss two tabulae ceratae found at Londinium and edited by Tomlin in 2016. Concerning TLond. 55 – already studied by Camodeca and Nasti in 2017 – a better comparison is offered between its formula of stipulatio, which appears in the text (curari... dari), and the one included in two passages by the Roman jurist Labeo (D.; D. With regards to TLond. 57, I provide here a first tentative interpretation. The document seems to be related to the trial and to the procedural representation.
Submitted: July 12, 2019 | Accepted: Oct. 2, 2019 | Published Dec. 11, 2019 | Language: it
Keywords Acknowledgement of debt • Roman jurists • Digesta • Procedural representation • Writing tablets from London
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