Antiquity Studies

Series | Antiquity Studies
Edited book | Altera pars laboris
Chapter | Certissimo argumento aeternitati plus conferre tenuissimas membranas quam praedura marmora

Certissimo argumento aeternitati plus conferre tenuissimas membranas quam praedura marmora

De la plausibilité de quelques restitutions


The Aureolus inscription is a text transmitted by the Vita Triginta tyrannorum as an awkward translation made by a grammarian. It has been unanimously regarded as a forgery, created by Trebellius Pollio. The inscription is quoted in his Rerum patriae by Andrea Alciato, who translates it again in a first draft of his Antiquitates Mediolanenses, before giving his own translation in the Dresdensis manuscript, from which it goes one’s own way until being denounced as a forgery by Mommsen. Is it a double forgery? One will find here some evidence in favour of the rehabilitation of the testimony of the Historia Augusta.

Open access | Peer reviewed

Submitted: July 14, 2019 | Accepted: Oct. 18, 2019 | Published Dec. 11, 2019 | Language: fr

Keywords Epigraphic forgeryAuthenticityAndrea AlciatoAureolusTrebellius Pollio

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