Series | Studi di storia
Edited book | Printing R-Evolution and Society 1450-1500
Chapter | 21 «Con un altro piccolo Indice in 4° bislungo»

21 «Con un altro piccolo Indice in 4° bislungo»

Un inventario di libri conservato dentro il Zornale di Francesco de Madiis


In the Marciana library the pressmark Classe XI, 45 (7439), as is well known, stands for Francesco de Madiis’s Zornale. What is less well known is that it actually refers to two manuscripts. Together with the Zornale, usually placed inside the front cover, is kept another, much smaller, manuscript list of books. The records of the library show that the two documents arrived together in 1812, after their discovery in the attics of Palazzo Ducale. So far the second manuscript has not drawn the attention of scholars and no study on the Zornale has ever mentioned it; the relationship between the two is nevertheless worth clarifying. The manuscript, a quarto in agenda format, consists of sixteen leaves and the list is composed of 262 entries, among which there are 235 printed books. Its transcription and analysis allow the identification of the books and, in some cases, of the editions, revealing the presence of a significant number of books printed beyond the Alps, most of which are related to the Reformation, thus giving a clue to the identity of the owner, as well as a date, showing that the list could not have been written earlier than 1543.

Open access | Peer reviewed

Submitted: Aug. 19, 2019 | Accepted: Nov. 4, 2019 | Published Feb. 24, 2020 | Language: it

Keywords Printed BooksXVI CenturyCatholic ChurchInventory Of BooksReformationManuscriptTheology

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