Series |
Library of Rassegna iberistica
Edited book | “Enter the Editor and He Says": Ecdotics and Theatrical Annotations (16th and 17th Centuries)
Chapter | La edición de variantes didascálicas en el teatro inglés de la época de Shakespeare
This essay describes how variants in stage directions and speech prefixes of early modern plays (between 1585 and 1642), have been treated in modern editions from the 19th century to the present. The analysed variants derive both from different (usually printed) witnesses and from a single manuscript witness when the stage directions and speech prefixes are altered by a hand different from the main manuscript hand. Prior to this description, the essay offers an overview of the editorial treatment of stage directions in general in English plays of the period.
Submitted: Sept. 6, 2018 | Accepted: Oct. 1, 2018 | Published Dec. 11, 2018 | Language: es
Keywords Stage directions • Scribes • Editing • Manuscripts • Variants
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