Studi di archivistica, bibliografia, paleografia

Series | Studi di archivistica, bibliografia, paleografia
Review | Dalla tutela al restauro del patrimonio librario e archivistico
Chapter | La costruzione delle competenze regionali nella tutela del patrimonio bibliografico

La costruzione delle competenze regionali nella tutela del patrimonio bibliografico


The essay focuses upon the issues and the evolution of protecting library materials by the Italian Regions since 1972, when the state law delegated to them this activity. The activities carried out by the regional authority had a positive outcome until 6 August 2015 when through a State law n.125 the authority regarding the protection of library material returned to the central competence.As well as the printed bibliography, also sources from the regional archives and the direct experience of the author have been used, as she was  from 2006 Head of Regional Office of the Superintendent Book Heritage of the Veneto Region.  Successful examples since 2003 carried out by the Office activities to protect the library cultural heritage will also presented. The author hopes for close cooperation between the  National office who has now taken the responsibility to take care of the library heritage material in Veneto and the and regional Office in order to keep the knowledge and expertise developed by the latter throughout  years  of  close collaboration with the institutions based on its territory.

Open access

Submitted: Jan. 30, 2018 | Published March 27, 2018 | Language: it

Keywords LibrariesCultural heritage legislationCultural heritageBook protectionBook heritage

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