Studi di archivistica, bibliografia, paleografia

Series | Studi di archivistica, bibliografia, paleografia
Review | Dalla tutela al restauro del patrimonio librario e archivistico
Chapter | La chimica dei nanocomposti e la loro applicazione al restauro dei manoscritti

La chimica dei nanocomposti e la loro applicazione al restauro dei manoscritti


Cellulose-based artifacts are susceptible to fast degradation due to the presence of detrimental components and to the action of environmental pollutants. As a result, the acidity of pristine material increases, promoting the acid-catalysed depolymerisation of cellulose that alters the mechanical properties of paper. In this paper, the use of innovative dispersions of alkaline earth metal hydroxide nanoparticles will be discussed as a method of counteracting the degradation of paper. The application of the most recent formulations of nanoparticles dispersions for the deacidification of artworks will be highlighted. Finally, the usage of innovative gel formulations for the cleaning of cellulose-based artworks will be discussed.

Open access

Submitted: Jan. 30, 2018 | Published March 27, 2018 | Language: it

Keywords CelluloseDeacidificationNanoparticlesCleaningNanotechnology

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