Series | SAIL
Volume 13 | Monograph | The Role of Motivation in Teaching in CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning)

The Role of Motivation in Teaching in CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning)

open access

Aims & Scope
There are several studies in the literature that emphasize the link between CLIL and student motivation for learning. The same does not apply for teachers – who teach a non-language subject through a foreign language – whose motivation for teaching in CLIL should not be taken for granted. Our research is an inquiry in the Italian upper secondary school with a dual focus: a main focus on CLIL teachers and a secondary one on CLIL students. The main aim of this cross-sectional study is to offer a snapshot of the existing situation from the point of view of teachers’ and students’ perceptions one year after the introduction of the legal requirement for compulsory CLIL, with a view to reflecting on the present in order to hypothesize possible future developments. The obtained results – which confirm the association between the motivational dimension of the CLIL teacher with the cognitive, affective and relational ones, and with the motivational dimension of CLIL students – are interpreted and discussed in the light of the most recent theoretical developments and suggestions for future practice and research are offered.

Permalink | ISBN (PRINT) 978-88-6969-214-7 | e-ISSN 978-88-6969-213-0 | Published April 28, 2018 | Language it


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