Medieval and Modern Philologies

Series | Medieval and Modern Philologies
Volume 15 | Review | The poetriae of the Latin Middle Ages

The poetriae of the Latin Middle Ages

Models, Fortune, Comments
open access
    edited by
  • Gian Carlo Alessio - Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia, Italia - email
  • Domenico Losappio - Università di Genova, Italia - email orcid profile

This book offers a reflection upon Medieval Latin artes poetriae and aims to spur the scientific debate on them by means of eleven papers written by internationally-kwown scholars. The essays investigate, according to different perspectives and in different ways, various aspects of the artes: their relations with other texts (Latin and vulgar), their fortune, their sources, the cultural contexts in which they were read and commented, and single authors’ reflections upon specific questions.

Keywords Medieval rhetoricMedieval poeticsMetaphorMedieval literary genresMothersLaborintusMedieval LatinRaimbaut d’AurengaBartolomeo da San ConcordioMedieval poetryGrammarHumanismDefence of poetryOccitan art of poetryGuizzardo da BolognaVersus rapportatiN’Ar de MonsPoetria novaMatthew of VendômeList of authorsPace da FerraraDiffusion in GermanyItalyGervase of MelkleyJoglarArnaut DanielPetrarchGeoffrey of VinsaufJean de SpondeRhetoricLatin art of poetryPoeticsArtes poetriaeBernardus SilvestrisRamon de CornetPoeticDanteMedieval latin pastoral poetryAllegoryDantes’s ecloguesRota VergiliiForms of versificationPolitic discourseMedieval latin commentariesGodmothers and foster mothersMatthew of VendomeEtienne JodelleItalian commentaries on the Poetria nova

Permalink | e-ISBN 978-88-6969-137-9 | ISBN (PRINT) 978-88-6969-205-5 | Number of pages 316 | Dimensions 16x23cm | Published March 16, 2018 | Language it, en