Medieval and Modern Philologies

Series | Medieval and Modern Philologies
Review | The poetriae of the Latin Middle Ages
Chapter | Nova quaedam insita mirifice transsumptio

Nova quaedam insita mirifice transsumptio

Il linguaggio figurato tra le artes poetriae e Dante


This paper aims to study figurative language in the artes poetriae and its probable influence on Dante’s poetic theory and practice. First of all, I raise the issue of Dante’s education and its possible intersection with the manuscript tradition of artes poetriae; I then proceed to comment evidence of Dante’s acquaintance with these treatises. I especially focus on their development of a theory of transumptio and on their prescriptions concerning metaphors, similes and allegory. Finally, I briefly sketch the evolution of Dante’s theory of figurative language and show how it parallels his expanding metaphoric practice.

Open access

Submitted: Sept. 15, 2017 | Published March 16, 2018 | Language: it

Keywords DanteRhetoricPoeticMedieval LatinMetaphor

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