Series | SAIL
Volume 11 | Monograph | The design of educational environments for the learning of foreign languages

The design of educational environments for the learning of foreign languages

open access | peer reviewed

Aims & Scope
Can educational environment be designed to enhance the students’ learning strategies? Can educational space influence the linguistic experience of the students and, in particular, their motivation and linguistic performance? Starting from a research perspective of language teaching, we will give an answer to these questions and thus offer a conceptual and operational framework to create a significant educational environment for learners. Therefore it becomes important to analyze the physical context using specific tools in order to identify which aspects and practices may affect the use of space and, consequently, to act for an environmental requalification. In this way environment is based on people’s characteristics and needs; it is a strategy to improve both the process of communication among the organization-teacher-learners and the students’ communication skills.

Keywords Teaching and evaluation system Italian as a foreign language Action research approach Educational Linguistics

Permalink | ISBN (PRINT) 978-88-6969-185-0 | e-ISSN 978-88-6969-184-3 | Published Sept. 18, 2017 | Language it


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