Series | SAIL
Volume | Between Languages and Cultures
Chapter | 2 Valori profondi

2 Valori profondi


The focus of the second chapter is represented by the main values (for example, the idea of time, space, fair play, family, status, respect, etc.) that play a role in the interaction and thus influence the way in which speakers act in communicative exchanges. However, these values could threaten the interactions between interlocutors of different native tongues without an adequate reflection on the cultural differences regarding those aspects. For example, in the South Slavic area the idea of losing the face is generally ascribed to requesting clarification and apologising. On the contrary, those moves in Italy commonly look more neutral and are not able to produce such negative consequences for the one who makes them. So, the second chapter shows a framework of the main differences in the way in which certain values are conceived in Italy and the South Slavic area in order to stimulate a consciousness-raising, and a reflection on the role that these differences can play from the intercultural communicative viewpoint.

Open access

Submitted: Sept. 28, 2016 | Language: it

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