Eurasian Studies Balkans, Anatolia, Iran, Caucasus and Central Asia Studies Notebooks

Series | Eurasian Studies
Volume 5 | Edited book | Borders


Itineraries on the Edges of Iran
open access | peer reviewed
    edited by
  • Stefano Pellò - Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia, Italia - email orcid profile

This collection of essays stands as the first volume of the new Eurasiatica series entirely devoted to the vast territories of Iranian culture, understood in the widest sense possible and in an open chronological perspective. Explicitly refusing any fetishization of particularism, it contains fourteen studies organized in thematic pairs: a sequence of interrelated itineraries exploring several heterogeneous borderlands – from Avestan philology to film studies – starting from plural, competing and coexisting ideas of Iran.

Keywords SasaniansMughalsFunerary architecturePhoenixVedicIndo-IranianKafiristanDeccanKeywords?BarrierAvestanMasnaviIranian CinemaReligious identityNuristanIndusBidelOtherPhotographyArabic DialectologySayyidsShi’aHindu KushQābūs ibn WušmgīrIranshahrMirrors in MoviesShī‘aMockeryNorthern IranAbbas KiarostamiKalashaIndo-PersianTaleshLoanwordsGonbad-e KāvusConversionIndo-Persian poetryDefensive moatDiasporaIranian StudiesKashmirGilanFrontierGrammaticalizationFenghuangPre-IslamicBahmanīIranLandscapeInterfaithIranian DialectologySino-Sogdian artIranian calendarLucknowQatīlSimurghPhilosophy and FilmPersian languageZiyaridsNi’matullāhiyya

Permalink | e-ISBN 978-88-6969-100-3 | ISBN (PRINT) 978-88-6969-101-0 | Published Aug. 3, 2016 | Language it, en

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