Axon Iscrizioni storiche greche

Axon Iscrizioni storiche greche

open access | peer reviewed

Aims & Scope

The journal Axon. Greek historical inscriptions intends to fill a gap in the panorama of the scientific and didactic experience of Greek History and Epigraphy. Each issue includes a series of specific contributions dedicated to individual Greek entries selected on the basis of their historical relevance. For each document there is an articulated digital file, built according to shared standards and vocabulary, which is included into a freely accesible database, according to a ductile and targeted search mask. This file is accompanied by an original and in-depth commentary on all the paleographic, linguistic, historical, institutional, cultural and contextual aspects of the document in question proposed by specialists.

Permalink | e-ISSN 2532-6848 | Periodicity annual | Language en, fr, it

External resources Axon. Iscrizioni storiche greche

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