Lexis Poetica, retorica e comunicazione nella tradizione classica

Rivista | Lexis
Fascicolo | Num. 42 (n.s.) – Dicembre 2024 – Fasc. 2
Articolo | In margine al Bessomachos di G. Pascoli

In margine al Bessomachos di G. Pascoli


Forty years after the first edition of the Greek poem Bessomachos by G. Pascoli, composed during his teaching period in Matera (Lexis, 1, 1988), some lesson plans and testimonies are presented here that contribute to a better understanding of the educational project in which the poem was included, and to identifying some germs of the Garibaldian patriotic epos that accompanied the poet in his last years.

Open access

Pubblicato 16 Dicembre 2024 | Lingua: it

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