Home > Catalogo > Lexis > Num. 39 (n.s.) – Giugno 2021 – Fasc. 1 > Costruire una nuova aristocrazia: gli antiqui mores al servizio della politica augustea

Costruire una nuova aristocrazia: gli antiqui mores al servizio della politica augustea

Francesca Rohr Vio    Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia, Italia    



In his reorganization of the State, Augustus restored the patrimony of values on which the senatorial aristocracy had founded its power in the res publica and he especially ensured the family’s central role. For this purpose he identified behavior exempla in the past of Rome and in his own domus and promoted a series of laws to regulate the public and private life of citizens. His aim was to affect morality and birthrate, but also to create a new ruling class: the homines novi would integrate with the ancient aristocracy through marriages and common descendants and this new senatorial class would operate according to the guidelines that had guided the leaders of the history of Rome.

30 Giugno 2021
07 Aprile 2021
05 Agosto 2020

Keywords: Roman aristocracyLeges IuliaeMos maiorumAugustusExempla

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