Armeniaca International Journal of Armenian Studies

Rivista | Armeniaca
Fascicolo | 3 | 2024
Articolo | The King’s Mellifluous Tongue

The King’s Mellifluous Tongue

Study, Social Bonding, and the Making of Middle Armenian as a Language of the Elite in Medieval Cilicia


This article on social history examines the study of Middle Armenian manuscripts at the Cilician court, placing the language’s development within a Mediterranean context that includes Outremer French and Byzantine Greek. In particular, it argues that King Het‘um I (d. 1270) bolstered his status as educated king through the commission of two works from theologian Vardan Arewelc‘i (d. 1271): an encyclopedic compendium and commentary on grammar, which aided vernacular study in different ways. By balancing the microhistory of these manuscripts against the macro-history of Cilician Middle Armenian’s configuration in writing, this article shows how vernacular Armenian became an object of elite study, seemingly capable of representing all the knowledge in the world.

Open access | Peer reviewed

Presentato: 27 Gennaio 2024 | Accettato: 03 Luglio 2024 | Pubblicato 31 Ottobre 2024 | Lingua: en

Keywords Medieval CiliciaŽłlank‘Middle ArmenianByzantine GreekEducated kingVernacularSocial historyVardan Arewelc'iOld FrenchHet'um

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