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Studi e ricerche
Miscellanea | Postcolonial Publics: Art and Citizen Media in Europe
Capitolo | Dislocation and Creative Citizenship: Romanian Diasporic Artists in Europe
This chapter evaluates the role of spatial, historical and ideological dislocations in the creative citizenship performed by Romanian diasporic artists working from the perspective of post-colonial subjectivity. Dan Perjovschi, Mircea Cantor, Mădălina Zaharia and Ileana Pașcalău reclaim public and digital spaces to provide a new regime of visibility and a reflexive, critical and performative re-examination of history, memory and the tension between the individual and the collective.
Presentato: 13 Luglio 2022 | Accettato: 21 Ottobre 2022 | Pubblicato 26 Gennaio 2023 | Lingua: en
Keywords Visual art • Post-socialism • Diaspora • Visibility • Memory • Romania
Copyright © 2023 Ruxandra Trandafoiu. This is an open-access work distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). The use, distribution or reproduction is permitted, provided that the original author(s) and the copyright owner(s) are credited and that the original publication is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. The license allows for commercial use. No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms.