Il progetto urbanistico per Canosa di Puglia: tra valorizzazione e rigenerazione
La rigenerazione della città di Canosa di Puglia
This paper describes the strategy for the enhancement of the archaeological and landscape heritage of Canosa di Puglia. The strategy consists in a cluster of projects and actions, which embrace three main work plans. The first one concerns the geographical area extending from the low valley of the Ofanto river to the slopes of the Murgia plateau. The second one lies on existing practices of common heritage care which many associations and groups of citizens already perform, in order to collect an important piece of the already existing cultural and ecological regeneration process. The third one includes the plan for the enhancement of the important historical-archaeological heritage spread in the inhabited city and its territory – in some cases in a state of decay and abandonment – and the process of the social re-appropriation promoted by three funded urban projects, which aim at organizing a new collective system of green spaces entrusted to sustainable usability.
Keywords: Regeneration • Development • Description • Enhancement • Sostenibility