Journal |
Quaderni Veneti
Journal issue | 5 | 2 | 2016
Research Article | Identità e culture nel Goriziano
A short but intense exchange of letters between the poet from Grado Biagio Marin (1891-1985) and the Friulian writer and essayist Celso Macor (1925-1998) provided them with the opportunity to trigger a heated debate over the legitimacy of dedicating the auditorium in Gorizia to ‘Friulian culture’. Whereas Marin complained vehemently about the alleged deletion of the Italian character from the tradition of Gorizia, Macor defended the dedication. Indeed, he recognised in the name ‘Auditorium della cultura friulana’ an act of justice for a culture that has embodied the symbolic value of the peaceful coexistence between different and nevertheless dialogic ethnic groups.
Submitted: Jan. 23, 2018 | Accepted: Feb. 12, 2018 | Published Dec. 31, 2016 | Language: it
Keywords Minority languages • Interculturalism • Identity • Friulian culture • Borders
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