Quaderni di Venezia Arti

Series | Quaderni di Venezia Arti
Monograph | Testo e immagine. Un dialogo dall’antichità al contemporaneo
Chapter | К истории рецепции и интерпретации творчества Боттичелли в России

К истории рецепции и интерпретации творчества Боттичелли в России


The paper focuses on reception and interpretation of Botticelli’s œuvre in Russian nineteenth-century cultural context. It describes the premises of interest in his work in literary and artistic circles starting from the 1830s and analyses a series of early publications dedicated to Botticelli that appeared in 1880s – 1890s. It reconstructs critical response of Russian writers and artists to his work and generally to the art ‘before Raphael’, considering various factors that influenced the reception of his style and image.

Open access

Submitted: Oct. 1, 2019 | Published Nov. 28, 2019 | Language: ru

Keywords QuattrocentoRussian Art Critique of the XIX CenturyPrimitivesReceptionInterpretationBotticelli

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