Diaspore Quaderni di ricerca

Series | Diaspore
Review | Symbologies and Writings in Transit
Chapter | Venezia nel racconto europeo dei primi del Novecento

Venezia nel racconto europeo dei primi del Novecento

Gabriele d’Annunzio/Hugo von Hofmannsthal


At the beginning of the 20th century, many European authors chose the city of Venice as a setting for their stories. In Italy, Gabriele d’Annunzio wrote the Venetian novel Il fuoco (1900) and the work of prose poetry Notturno (1921). Some of the scenes refer to the visits of Italian author’s Taccuini or to his own personal experiences in Venice. Between 1892 and 1910, the Austrian author Hugo von Hofmannsthal published a lyric drama, comedies, an essay and a tragedy. The unfinished novel Andreas oder die Vereinigten came out posthumously in 1932 and dealt with the story of the protagonist Andreas, who moves from Vienna to Venice to change his life. Some of Hofmannsthal’s stories are set in the city on the lagoon because this is where he returned several times, especially between 1897 and 1907. He esteems d’Annunzio as a great author and accordingly uses some of the Italian poet’s ideas in his works, most notably, those in d’Annunzio’s speech L’Allegoria dell’Autunno, which inspired him considerably.

Open access | Peer reviewed

Language: it

Keywords Venetian novelHugo von HofmannsthalVeniceGabriele D'Annunzio

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