Diaspore Quaderni di ricerca

Series | Diaspore
Review | Symbologies and Writings in Transit
Chapter | Paz, Duchamp, Peggy Guggenheim: pluralità di linguaggi e archivio

Paz, Duchamp, Peggy Guggenheim: pluralità di linguaggi e archivio


Marcel Duchamp’s aesthetics interested Octavio Paz’s theoretical reflections. His volume, Marcel Duchamp o el Castillo de la Pureza, published for the first time in 1968, and expanded in 1973 with a new title, Apariencia desnuda, represents one of the most incisive criticism studies to Duchamp by someone that does not belong to art history and criticism. Paz’s originality consists in reading Duchamp under a poetical and philosophical perspective, creating a sort of unique ‘ekphrastic autobiography’. 

Open access | Peer reviewed

Language: it

Keywords Contemporary aestheticsDuchampPazArchivesArtistic autobiography

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