Diaspore Quaderni di ricerca

Series | Diaspore
Review | Symbologies and Writings in Transit
Chapter | Cortázar e Macedonio

Cortázar e Macedonio

Le discrete rivoluzioni dell’umorismo decostruttivo


Whether it is the chaos created by the extreme and comical disconnection of the paradoxes of the ‘ausencia’ of Macedonio or the magical fragmentation of the stories in Cortázar’s Historias de cronopios y de famas, conceptual humor triggers a powerful gnoseological revolution in the reader with undisputable power. From the ‘logos’ of the absence of Macedonio in Cortázar, one passes to the possibility of forgetting the ‘other world’, hidden behind absence – a change in focus that presumes a more profound structural shift which further destabilizes the reader. The route of deconstruction and simulation begun by Macedonio Fernandez in his texts seems to reach its conclusion in the works of Cortázar: from the antimimetic writing and the creation of a self-referencing system, one passes to the possibility of seeing the ‘other reality’ which is hidden beyond our vision of the world, the mystery which makes age-old certainties crumble, the  origin of the eternal human search for the truth.

Open access | Peer reviewed

Language: it

Keywords ParadoxesCortázarMacedonioDeconstruction

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